February 24, 2013

Thoughts for My Tyler

My Sweet Boy. . .

My head and heart are overwhelmed with emotion tonight as I know you are heading into the unknown tomorrow morning.

I know that, even though you have shown no resistance to change, you are nervous, hesitant, maybe even a little angry that your dad and I have chosen to move you to a new school, with new friends, new surroundings, and a new teacher.

Son, one day, hopefully, you will have children of your own.  You will want what is best for them.  You will hurt when they hurt, try to teach them right from wrong (and cry because, yes, it really does hurt us more than it hurts you), and make tough decisions.

As you go through life, no matter your age or your circumstance, don't ever make those same decisions lightly.  Talk with God.  Read His word.  Pray.  Then pray some more. 

Make sure that the Lord tells you unconditionally what He wants for you.  When you follow Him and His desires for you, you will find this to be absolute truth:

I must admit. . .I am excited, almost giddy, with excitement that you will be with me during the day.  That I can check in on you and see your smiling face throughout the day.  That I know what is expected of you and that I know that your teacher is a strong and Godly woman (as are the other teachers on her team!)

I am nervous about you heading into the unknown.  I am nauseous with worry about you making new friends (especially the kind of friends that God would want for you).

But, I have given all of that to Him.  I trust Him completely.  I have complete peace about his move, and I know without a shadow of a doubt that your dad and I have made the right decision.

I love you, buddy. . . .go get 'em tomorrow!!  And please, never, ever forget:

February 11, 2013

February's Blessings

Okay, so. . .my day of silence on my last post slipped into a week. . .where did the time go this weekend?? 

Oh, yeah. . .basketball tournaments, a great Sunday School lesson on sharing, a funeral that was better than many church services, and several episodes of F*ll House to appease the little one. . . whew!!

(Oh, and have I mentioned that I got a new refrigerator this weekend!!!???  Woot!!  Woot!!)

Okay, still counting my blessings~~~

February 6th:

3 gifts found outside

~~Tyler practicing his basketball skills, shooting hoops in the backyard


~~a wonderful recess time to share and reflect with my teammates

February 7th:

a gift at 11:30am~a nap with my Harley-bug (we had to stay home because she was sick with the stomach yuckies)

a gift at 2:30pm~a chance to do laundry during the middle of the day instead of having to wait until what feels like midnight, or even worse, the weekend

a gift at 6:30pm~more loving time with my Harley-bug and Tippy while the boys were off to basketball practice

February 8th:

a gift broken~my heart at some of the situations my son is dealing with. . .oh how painful growing up can be sometimes!

a gift fixed~my new microwave installed and ready to use!!

a gift thrifted~my refund check for the kids' dental checkups a few weeks ago arrived in the mail today--whoopee!!

February 9th:

3 surprise gifts--unexpected grace!!

~~my teammate treating me to dinner before the Valentine's dance on Friday night

~~Harley-bug being in a GREAT mood and having her BEST listening ears on at Tyler's first game

~~going to buy M&M's for my Sunday School lesson this week and discovering they were on SALE. . .oh, yeah, baby!

February 10th:

3 times I heard laughter today

~~my sweet Sunday School babies. . .I do love them so!

~~during Mr. Jay's funeral. . .so wonderful to be able to show joy during a time of sorrow

~~at last night's drama practice. . .everyone seemed genuinely happy to be there and ready to practice

February 11th:

3 gifts in working

~~wonderful colleagues

~~dedicated prayer partners

~~fifteen chatty, but smiling, kiddos that make me laugh always!

Have you been blessed today???

February 6, 2013

Day of Silence

Today I am taking a Blogger's Day of Silence.

I do this in honor of my sweet friend, A, who started her chemotherapy treatments today.

A, my love and prayers are with you.

February 5, 2013

Focus on Him in February

February 1st:

3 gifts red:

~~seeing the sea of "red" wandering our hallways in school in recognition of National Heart Day

~~bowling shoes!!  Our principal took us bowling after school today as a faculty treat. . .We had a blast!!!

~~ big red letters at H.H. Gr*gg. . .a sign that the Mulls are getting a new refrigerator--something that has been nearly 18 years in the waiting!!  I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

February 2nd: 

3 gifts on paper:

~~remember that new refrigerator I mentioned?  Yeah, I think it bears repeating!

photo from designerappliances.com
~~coloring with my baby girl. . .she is growing up wayyyy too fast

~~my new scripture that I am working on memorizing

February 3rd:

3 gifts found in writing:

~~this word on the whiteboard in my Sunday School class

   along with a reminder that we need to focus on what we are doing for Him TODAY rather than wallow in yesterday or worry about tomorrow.  What a blessing I needed to hear.
~~an announcement in our church bulletin that it's time for Easter Drama practice to begin. . .it is amazing to watch God work through our drama. . .

~~many of my Facebook posts proclaiming love for Christ and sharing blessings shared in their lives. . .so uplifting
February 4th:

3 gifts found when bent down:

~~new shoes!  Being on my feet most of the day can be torture, so I finally invested in a pair of D*nskos.  My feet are thanking me already!

~~my case of Diet P*psi hidden under my desk : )  I keep them just in case of a caffeine "emergency."  Sshhh.

~~two of my favorite people playing L*gos

February 5th:

~~a gift stitched:  my warm and cozy blanket that I sewed by hand. . .yes, you read that correctly, I made it by hand and during the winter time, I am soooo blessed by it.  (I will try to post a picture of it in the very near future)

~~Tyler got a brand new suit and he is walking on air!!  He is so much like his daddy--he loves dressing up and looking sharp.  He wasn't too happy about Mom making him strike a pose, though.  I just kept reminding him that every girl's crazy about a sharp dressed man!

~~a gift hammered:  my hubby pounding on the cabinets to work on installing my new over-the-range microwave (I am sooooo LOVING this new kitchen makeover!)

February 1, 2013

SSMT Verse #3

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear;

photo borrowed from wikipedia.com
but of power,

photo borrowed from powerinchrist.org

and of love,

and of a sound mind.

2 Timothy 1:7

I'll give you a few days to let that sink in.  Happy Friday!