January 16, 2012

January's Blessings

Wow. . .I am loving the fact that Ann Voskamp's January Joys is forcing me to stop and notice blessings that God provides for me each and every day. 

In lots of shapes. . .

or sounds. . .

or people. . .

Friday, January 13th:  three sounds

1)  the Princess' giggle. . .I LOVE this sound!!!  It is totally contagious!!

2)  Laura Story's "Blessings". . .this song is my testimony in three minutes.  God makes sure I hear it almost every morning on my way to work.

3)  the bell at the end of the day, signaling the start of  a longggg weekend for the kids and teachers!

Saturday, January 14th:
three ways I glimpsed the startling grace of God

1> Watching a young boy that plays basketball with Tyler give 200% on the court. . .knowing that he has cystic fibrosis and the game is very painful for him to endure. 

2>  Taking a drive through the areas hit hardest by the surprise tornadoes that hit on Wednesday. . .and knowing that no one lost their lives.

3>  Going on a shopping trip with the Princess to the mall plus several other stores--with NO meltdowns!!!  She was a perfect ANGEL!!!!  An absolute first for our family since she joined us!

Sunday, January 15th:

one thing I wore:  BLUE JEANS!!!!  I finally found a pair that fit without me having to hold my breath!!  This is the first time I've had comfy jeans in two years. . .yes, I said two years!!

one thing I gave away:  Cash. . .to help a family from our church who lost their home this week.

one thing I shared:  Cookies with my second grade Sunday School class.  We were talking about things we could do to show others that we love them!

Monday, January 16th:

three ways I witnessed happiness today

1)  Tyler going on a lunch date with his Mee Maw, just the two of them

2)  The look on the Princess' face when she realized it was Monday. . .that is JumpBunch day for her at daycare. . .and she adores JumpBunch!!!

3)  Watching the hubby get ready for his golf match. . .he hasn't played in quite a while for several reasons.  It was good to see him so happy for a change!

What kinds of blessings has God blessed you with the past few weeks??  Please share!

1 comment :

Piper said...

I love this Lynn, oh to be so committed to this....
I could possibly take up a lot of space with the recent blessings I have received.
My family (is always a blessing)
The past few church services, God shows ups and loves all over us!
God's hand of protection during the tornadoes.
The out pouring of volunteers helping those that have lost everything.
My Mom for calling us and telling us there was severe weather heading our way.
My secret encourager praying for me and I received Jesus Calling devotional, love it!
Bub working extra hard and making All County Band and watching him practice in Youth Praise Band, awesome that he uses his talents for the Lord.
Sis jumping back into class and working hard.
Kea being the fun-loving boy he is
Mr B for loving me even when I am unlovable!
(There's more, but I will stop now, I don't know how many characters fit in a comment!!)
Love ya!