January 1, 2012

A New Year Has Begun

It just doesn't seem possible that today begins 2012.

I remember growing up when 20-anything seemed so "Back to the Future"-ish.

Yet here we are.

I don't like New Year's resolutions, because, honestly, I stink at keeping them.

My diets usually last, oh, a few hours.

My promises always end up broken within a week.

And then, I feel like crud because I am a failure at dieting and keeping promises, so I swear I'm not going to make any more resolutions!

But, I digress. . .

This year, I need to do some soul searching and make some serious Life Changes, not resolutions.

For example. . .

1)  I need (and strongly desire) to increase my time here. . .

2)  I want to give more than just 100% to my Bible study this spring.  As a matter of fact, I am going to be working on two studies before summer.

One at church. . .

. . .and one online.

3)  I want to become a true prayer warrior.  And I am a person who needs visual reminders, so I started making my "Prayer Pails" today. 

All that's left is the ribbon around the top, felt on the bottom, and filling out my popsicle sticks with things to remember to pray about.

4)  And I want to spend more time here:

And here. . .

Spending more time with my kids and less time relying on sitters.  The Princess has always been HIGH maintenance, but I've got to come to terms with taking her places and doing things even when it isn't convenient or easy.  She's growing up too fast to miss any more time with her than I absolutely have to!

And Tyler, well, I have some of my most enlightening moments with him, so any time I spend with him is well worth the effort!  He is such a great kid.

What about you?  What do you want to change for this year? 

Never fear change. . .embrace it!

Change can be one of the most positive happenings life can offer!

Happy New Year!

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

I love the prayer pail idea. Thanks for sharing. I'm with you on the resolutions. Only day two, and the clean heart I asked God for he is already working on. It needs some work:-)
Love ya,