January 29th:
a song heard~~so many songs that I hear touch my heart, but none so much as those I hear my Harley-bug belting out to the Lord. . .tonight's chosen favorite was "Shouting Time" along with a round of "Yes, Lord, Yes." I hope she never loses her passion for the Lord
a soft word~~a new student came into my class today, escorted by her mother whose English was quite broken. . .before leaving her daughter behind, the mother abruptly turns, grabs me into a huge bear hug (yes, in front of my kids) and whispers in my ear, "I love you for taking care of my daughter." Wow. What a huge burden I carry watching over 15 precious babies each and every day. I love them as if they were my very own.
light seen~~RECESS!!! Our days lately have been sooo dreary and cold and nasty that recess is more of a blessing than you would know!
January 30th:
3 old things seen new~~
~~my lesson plans. . .I've kinda been in a rut lately. I started planning next week with an excitement I haven't had in a while, and I'm glad it's back!!
~~my Bible verse that I have chosen to memorize for the 2nd part of January. . .it's amazing how something that you hear over and over can suddenly have a whole new meaning and an entirely new freshness to it when you seem to need it most.
January 31st:
a gift on paper~~one of our third graders went into another teacher's classroom and asked where a little girl sat. . .he walked over to her desk, put something on it, and left. . .when the teacher checked, it was a snowflake he had drawn with the words "Be Mine" written on it. . .so sweet!
in a person~~my sweet hubby. . .being trapped in all the nasty weather has kind of put us on edge, but we sat down to watch "Duck Dynasty" and plan our family vacation together last night. . .Good stuff.
in a picture~~there are two pictures that have come along this week that I just keep going back to. I will share them both, as they bless me over and over, not just today.
I can only imagine what God has in store for February!